10 Intuitive Movement Ideas for When You Want to Travel But Feel Stuck
“What is something you want that gives you joy and significance?” the group leader of our Fear and Anxiety study asked us.
Three out of six answered: trips. travel. new experiences.
I don’t know if 2020 has us feeling trapped, people who are used to traveling can’t as much, or we just need a refresher, but travel topped the list for what these ladies felt would give them a burst of joy.
If you are feeling similar thoughts, I wanted to give you a few ways to ameliorate this feeling of stuck-ness with some free, natural movement ideas.
This post is brought to you by my book, Move for Joy from the chapter on the Freebird, those motivated to release stress. Here is how exercise helps you break free of that trapped feeling inside the space of your own body:
“But movement helps circulate oxygen, reintegrate our brains, and relax the resting tension of our muscles, which breaks the stress hold over our bodies. Statistically speaking, exercise reduces symptoms of anxiety by more than 50 percent.
What kind of exercise helps restore the flow of joy? Engaging in any kind of mindful activity induces peace by releasing GABA neurochemicals to induce a sense of calm, endocannabinoids for a feeling of bliss, and endorphins to relieve stress. It can be yoga, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, if anxiety levels are sky high, then high intensity exercise makes a good match to out-compete the anxious physical symptoms.
The Freebird doesn’t need to escape to Tahiti. She can find the refreshment of peace by meeting with the Lord in the temple of her own body. Exercise is one of the best, and cheapest, ways to facilitate that peace. Your quiet time doesn’t have to be still time, but it does help to create an environment that allows for a still heart: think slow, mindful movement to get recentered, or going all in to burn off the stress.”
Jesus and Hiking
Through my research on intuitive movement, I have found that we can trust our bodies to signal us to move in a way that bring us life, because our Creator is all about life!
If you think about it, when your body is plagued by stress, you need an outlet to release those pent-up feelings so you can return to being a free and pure human being.
This is where movement is a gift and allows us to literally work. it. out!
Even if you don’t feel particularly stressed but just have that nagging feeling of wanting to get out and see something new, this message is still for you:
"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:65
Consider that nagging feeling being the cue for the Father drawing you out of yourself into a walk with Him (don’t rule out a physical walk…God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden)!
When we move for joy, what we are really doing is seeking Christ. He is the expression of the Father’s overflowing joy, hoped-for grace manifested in a Person. He is the perfect example for us, of what it looks like to seek God’s presence in a tangible, practical way on this earth.
We see Jesus seeking the joy of His Father’s presence through regular prayer hikes, as described in this Move for Joy excerpt below:
When Jesus needed to unwind, He would walk away from the masses of people to “desolate places,” or as the New International Version says, “lonely places” to pray: “But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:15-16).
Jesus wasn’t driven away by fear or annoyance. He was motivated by precious communion with His dad. He wasn’t merely getting away from the crowds. He was going to be with our Father. The result was always a renewed resolve. His prayer time equipped Him to both rise above the needy mob, and to move toward them as a Shepherd leading stressed-out sheep into a spacious safe haven.
Jesus had a mountain, and you may not. I want you to look around and see what you do have, may it be a local trail, a safe sidewalk, a yoga mat, music, or even simply the breath in your lungs.
Keep reading if you would like some more ideas!
10 Intuitive Movement Stress-Relievers
I call these intuitive movement stress relievers because part of knowing how and when to move is getting to the root of your why. What are you feeling? If you’re not sure, choose one of the "get outside and get your feet moving” options. If your environment feels stressful but you can’t get out, choose one of the options that prompts you to turn on music or regulate your breathing instead. In short, use your intuition, your gut, the natural cues God built in to your body to guide you towards more life.
Remember, these are just a few ideas to fan the flame, so use them for your benefit that fits you right where you are. As always, invite the Lord into your movement with a prayer of gratitude based off Nehemiah 8:10 like this, “Jesus, let your joy be my strength!”
Do a repetitive exercise like walking, swimming, or biking to shut down your worry centers and open up creative space.
Turn on music and get immersed in the story and rhythm of the song, letting your body respond in kind.
Get outside and let God expand your perspective into the space of His creation.
Go barefoot and reconnect with the ground, an exterior surface that gets you out of your own interior self.
Close your eyes and do a stretching sequence, escaping from the world of chaos and controlling your inner world with measured breaths.
Explore your own workplace or neighborhood on foot, going to corners and streets you haven’t set foot.
Drive out to a favorite hiking spot with a picnic lunch in a backpack.
Ask your friend what their favorite physical activity is and join them one time, learning a new experience and building your relationship and empathy.
Go camping for a night! If you don’t have equipment, ask friends to borrow theirs or rent from an outdoor store. Camping requires a lot of natural movement and doesn’t take a lot of investment. If you’re a first timer, don’t go very far so you can always come back if things go awry.
Join a workout class and let someone else lead you out of your own head space and into a corporate experience
When in doubt, I always tell my clients that when you mind gets repetitive, make your feet repetitive! Repetitive movement helps you break out of that endless loop and onto a more mindful track to experience more life in this grand world God created for us.
PS: If you’re reading this during Thanksgiving time, don’t forget to check out my post on 10 Ways to Workout Thanksgiving Stress for More Joy with creative ways to include the whole family!
PPS: If you DO want to travel and think you can’t because it costs too much money, my friend Lindsey from Nuventure Travels traveled the whole world for four years! She is a testimony to me that anyone can do it. She has tons of resources on her website and this fun travel game of questions. I only tell you this because I want you to know that while God gave you a body to travel in and that’s enough, He has also given us so many resources and inspirations like Lindsey to guide us on how to discover more of His creation around the world!