Good Friday Mind-Body Devotional: Jesus' Last Breath
It’s Good Friday, and the day is somber. Today, we meditate on the good works of God through Christ’s act of radical love. We call this day good.
How in the wold can an innocent man being put on death row be good?
How can anything that feels hard and bad in our own lives be good?
Because God’s ways of good are not like ours. Jesus died to show us God’s great love for us. That while we were sinners, Christ died for us. He goes straight to the heart of suffering, and is there with us in the middle of our mess. And that is good!
I don’t know what you may be going through, but I hope this devotional brings you the reminder that even when life feels dark, God’s great light is right on the other side. That when we run out of breath on the exhale, God’s grace is in the inhale. That in your suffering, there is Christ, and there is hope.
I wrote this post for Bethany Kids Lent Devotional, so if you want to read more like this, download their free devotional at
Good Friday: Jesus’ Last Breath
“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.” Matthew 27:50
King Jesus slipped secret into our suffering world, surrendering communion in heaven for a cradle.
He took His first breath, taking in the oxygen of earth.
God Himself was here, with us! Yet we did not receive Him.
He grew up strong in the eyes of man and God until His Spirit stirred us beyond our comfort.
We decided he was no longer worthy to share our air after all.
He was stripped, ripped, and condemned on a cross to die.
And with each step of bodily suffering, he surrendered His spirit.
Breathe in suffering, breathe out surrender.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Until finally, King Jesus gave one final breath and surrendered His own Spirit to the Father.
The life of His breath was released from His body into the world to all who would breathe Him in. To all who suffer.
When you breathe in suffering, take in also the life of Christ.
Breathe deeply!
Take Him all in!
Then let it all go.
Breathe out your own life in a full exhale of surrender.
Keep doing this until you, too, are back in heaven with King Jesus.
Turn your attention to your breath. Breathe in Jesus breathe out lives. Do this until your mind feels clear and you can be with God in your heart. Then pray: “King Jesus, thank you for the unceasing rhythm of our breath, reminding us that this life is one of repentance and redemption. You gave up your life for us. Let us give up ours for yours, over and over, until we see you face-to-face. We bow our life before you.”
Rest and Rise
If your soul has found rest through these words, I think you’ll love Rest and Rise: A 4-Week Bible Study - Be Refreshed in Your Work where you can take a deep dive into Jesus’ invitation to find rest in Him and rise up with renewed purpose.
Keep walking by faith,