Stop Dieting and Discover the Joy in Food and Fitness: Webinar Replay
To introduce our Joyful Health course opening up, we hosted a webinar called Stop Dieting and Discover the Joy in Food and Fitness. Here is why and what we share:
We hear your struggles with diet and exercise:
You feel like you've tried it all before, hoping that each program holds the answer, but you get caught up in the cycle again and believe long-term change isn't going to happen
Most programs guarantee all-or-nothing results, and you feel like a failure trying to keep up
Your obsession with diets is starting to define you
Life is heavy enough, and "no pain no gain" sounds, well, painful
You're afraid of developing a chronic disease, and you're also afraid to rest
There is always someone who does it better than you, and you feel ashamed or judged for trying
You want to move like you used to, but life is so demanding
You want to be healthy for all the right Kingdom reasons, but feel alone without support
With over ten combined years in the wellness industry, we have listened to too many women get discouraged and worn out by traditional diet and exercise.
Through prayer and working with women of all ages, through our personal training and dietetic practices, we have distilled faith-based intuitive eating and exercising principles that serve women of all shapes in every season of life.
We don't believe in fad diets or the latest workout trend. We believe eating and exercising should be less stressful, fit for you, and much more joyful.
Here’s what we’ll share in this class:
Why short-term diets and exercise programs cause us to gain more weight
Truth to release your hold on diets and experience change for good
The all-or-nothing mirage and tools to adapt to real-life
The dangers of "no pain no gain," the myth of the 20-minute workout, and a better way to move
How to shift from the ineffectiveness of eating and exercising out of fear
The truth that nobody is doing it right, and how we can support each other
Do you want to continue trying on the latest diet or exercise program that leaves you feeling worn out or wanting more, disappointed and having to start over each time?
What if you could find out what works for how God created you?
Eating and moving are things you must do every day, spend a consistent portion of your budget on, yet the next diet never turns out to be the right answer. Let's let go of the inflated trends and stand firm upon the foundational principles of intuitive faith and wellness.
Join us just as you are with a pen and notebook ready to reconsider how you buy your groceries, what to do for exercise, and who you want to see when you look in the mirror.
Together, we will stop guessing about what we should eat and get excited about exercise. Together, we will allow God to show us His ways of health and happiness.
Get ready for more joy and less overwhelm without the pressure of pursuing a perfect body or Pinterest-worthy meals.
Can’t wait to see you there!
Webinar Timestamps
Watch the webinar here, and if you don’t have time to watch the whole video, check out the time stamps with quotes for highlights. However, we fully encourage you to watch the whole thing to experience the full journey of diets to freedom!
6:03 Kasey's personal testimony finding joy in fitness
"When we got jobs, fitness became a job too. Fitness became a way to pay off food...We need to know that the Lord has already paid the price for us. He loves us just as we are. We get to exercise out of the joy of being with Him instead of [exercising] to feel worthy. What does it look like to pray first? To exhale before you inhale, to breathe before you do burpees? This really transformed my relationship with God and exercise. Just as Jesus went on prayer hikes to be with His Father, I started to go on walks not to count steps, but to be with the Lord."
9:04 Aubrey's personal testimony finding grace in food
"I was very much performance driven, and it shifted into getting my value from food and body perfectionism...It affected my relationship with my husband and I didn't even want to be a dietitian anymore. I started preaching this food perfectionism to my clients, and it didn't work. I saw it not work over and over again. I saw them become more discouraged. In my own life, I was experiencing all this shame and guilt. I became aware of what grace was and discovered intuitive eating. I started to see that this way of eating really aligned with what God said. I practiced it with myself and clients, and started to see a huge transformation in their whole health, not just their body size."
12:58 We believe eating well and moving freely starts with grace and ends with joy.
13:44 What is a diet, and who diets?
"59% of teen girls and 29% of teen boys are actively dieting"
14:51 Stats that prove diets don't work
"95-99% of all diets fail"
">66% of all those who diet gained more weight back than what they lost"
15:34 Health effects of dieting: physical and emotional
"Chronic restriction increases inflammation"
"Decreased self image: we like ourselves less and less"
17:57 Diet, binge, shame cycle
"Restriction increases biological drivers, leading us to crave foods"
18:45: "If your doctor offered you a treatment method with a 95% failure rate and these sort of side effects, would you say yes?"
19:10 What do we really want out of diet and exercise programs?
"Visualize your biggest struggle with diet and exercise. Think of a scenario and how you want God to redeem that situation. That is the joy we want you to put before you."
22:15 Addressing fitness as a way to pay off food: "I ate so much Mexican this weekend. I really need to go to the gym tomorrow and burn off those calories."
22:55 What yo-yo exercising does to your body
25:00 Two invisible barriers to joy in fitness
"These marketing messages of 'I'm going to do a killer workout, let's get shredded'...these violent images associated with our body. Our body is like whoa, I'm engineered evolutionary to stay alive. I don't want to touch that with a 10-foot pole. Having these subliminal messages doesn't help. It divides our strength because mentally we want to 'be her' but our body wants to stay strong, because, survival of the fittest."
28:20 Guarding, tension, pain cycle
29:26 Fitness spectrum
30:12 "We run away from what we have to out of fear. We will keep moving towards what brings us joy."
"Intuitive training is similar. It shifts the locus of control from the external motivators to the internal. So let's shift to that internal drive."
30:53 Two Health Paradigms
"Listening to the Spirit, our intuition, our body's God-given cues, and this takes practice, and that's what our course is for."
"There's more flexibility to choose based on the heart and the body's design."
33:35 NOURISH Acronym
"Opt for a deeper why than weight."
"Health is holistic, and our soul's health translates directly into our physical health as well."
35:13 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable, and perfect." Romans 12:2
"The way of the world is diet culture, and we want to be transformed by Scripture first and foremost."
35:48 A new way to think about health
"Food is a gift meant to be enjoyed not feared." Ecclesiastes 9:7
"All foods are clean, good, and morally acceptable." Mark 7:19
"There is a natural design for our bodies and food that we can trust." Psalm 139:14
"Real nourishment starts with the soul and streams to the body." 3 John 1:2
"Food is a powerful tool for health and connection not weight loss." Acts 2:46-47
"Focus on long-term formations and rhythms not quick (temporary) fixes." Proverbs 28:20
37:40 "God eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God as already approved what you do." Ecclesiastes 9:7
38:00 Rediscover the joy of eating with Christ
"They absorbed nutrients less because their enjoyment and eating experience went way down."
"If you ate something that was satisfying, you're not going to be searching. You're going to be able to move on and forget about food until you feel hungry again."
40:45 Increase your joy at meals
40:42 Move free by grace, for joy
"Replace exercise expectation with God's invitation."
"All movement is exercise."
"Ask the Lord to give you a vision of what health looks like for you in Him."
"You don't have to worry about motivation, because it's not you who live but Christ who lives in you, and that's what brings us joy."
44:50 "The nervous system can access relaxed muscles better than tense muscles. This means that relaxed muscles can be used more fully than tense muscles, resulting in a feeling of greater strength."
"Restriction of exercise leads to restriction of muscles."
45:30 Pray first: The joy of the Lord is our strength
45:56 Relax, mobile, move
45:14 Know whats right for you. Exercise your freedom. Find your joy!
46:26 The all-or-nothing mirage: where are you today?
"Exercise is a tool to support your season of life."
47:30 So much more to learn in our course...
49:13 Is the Joyful Health Course for you?
"The weight of shame is heavier than any amount of body fat."
51:34 What you'll get...
53:08 You'll receive a copy of "Joyful Health: A 12-Week Biblical Workbook to Intuitive Eating and Exercise"
54:00 Exclusive Introductory Offer
55:16 Find freedom and diets and step into the joyful health you were made for!
57:08 Questions
Ready to Ditch Diets and Discover Joy in Food and Fitness?
If you enjoyed this webinar, we really think you’d like our 12-Week Course! Sign up for the Joyful Health Course, open until August 10th or until all spots are filled! Click the link below to get all the details.